Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's natural?

The question of what is natural to us has been rattling around my head since Trevor Cairney spoke last week on 'True Freedom'.

This comes to the fore in current debates over sexuality. For example, in the row over homosexuality both sides want to claim that their position is based on what is natural. Some say that homosexuality is 'unnatural'; others that same-sex attraction (for some people) is natural. (Usually the debate rages over what 'para phusin' means in the Greek of Romans 1.)

However, Paul's ethics cuts right through this debate - e.g. in Romans 6. According to the apostle there are only two default positions for all humanity: slaves to our sinful nature or slaves to God. Christ sets us free from what is natural to us, in order that we might live according to what is natural for our redeemed humanity. This is not re-packaged gnosticism. It is earthy and gritty humanity; but it is redeemed humanity instead of fallen humanity.

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